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We had a big problem in our family. Our daughter, at the age of 14, smoked marijuana and took drugs, something incomprehensible began to happen to her, she became like a stranger. No matter where we went, nothing helped. Having read an article about the ReBirth center we decided to come to the center.
We were told who would be and how they would work with us.
But for some reason, not having decided to stop at this center, apparently without going through the whole circle of tests, we turned to a psychiatrist.
My daughter was admitted to the hospital for 30 days. It cost me a lot of money.
After the hospital, taking antidepressants, my daughter became nothing, that is, she could not study at school, she became indifferent to everything.
After cutting her veins, thank God, the daughter remained alive, we again came to the ReBirth center with her, apparently our angels had already led us there.
After undergoing the necessary healing in the center, my daughter again became native, the same as before the problem. Now she is back in school and dreams of learning to help people.
A low bow and our gratitude for the help from our whole family: Anechka and Alex Perkel. ( Maria A. )




I have had bladder problems since early childhood.
Now, when I am 60 years old, these problems appeared again and did not allow me to live and work normally, as I had to run to th
e toilet every 10 minutes.
After several visits to the ReBirth Center, my disease completely disappeared. Now I can work calmly again and my boss is no longer angry with me.
Many thanks to Alex and Anya for their help.

(Stiven L.)



I saw a UFO - a flying saucer at the age of 20. My friend and I were together when a UFO descended on us like a cloud and we found ourselves in a vacuum. After a while, my friend and I were able to run away. After that, I often noticed how someone was constantly present next to me and I could not get rid of this presence.
I also had an inexplicable anger towards people, hatred towards myself and others. Unrest for no reason, depression, anxiety and duality appeared.
When I found out about the ReBirth Center, I immediately went there, but some forces didn’t let me in, I got into the wrong transport, drove in the opposite direction, and eventually arrived 3 hours later my appointment.
Now I understand that these forces did not want my complete liberation from them.
After briefly working with me and Space Clearing and Blessing of my apartment, there was a deliverance from this constant presence of uninvited guests.
All problems disappeared in a short time. I now feel calm, no anxiety, depression, anger and hatred.
There is love and joy. I met a man who loves me and I love him, which I couldn’t do before. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the staff of the Esoteric Science Center “R
eBirth” for the timely assistance rendered to me.

( Lilia G. )



I had constant fear. Fear of going to work, fear of staying at home, fear because of my mother that my father will beat her, fear of meeting other people. As a child, I was constantly frightened by a rat or a snake.
My father drank a lot and often beat me and my mother for no reason.
I couldn't sleep at night for fear of dying. I was taken to grandmothers and to all doctors, but the problems returned over time.
In addition, my fingers on my right hand were numb, my back was numb when I sat and my liver ached. When I was 24 years old, having learned from my friend about the
 "ReBirth" center, I turned there for help.
They helped me right away. Anya and Alex worked with me.
After about a week, the problems began to disappear and dissolve.
Additionally, I underwent past life therapy and after that I was completely free from problems.
I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for the help of the Esoteric Center “ReBerth”. (Inna S.)



I was constantly tired, sick with various diseases, I had no energy, and all this was reflected in my work and in my daily life. Fortunately for myself, I found the “ReBirth” center where, after completing the Qigong course, I completely forgot what it is to get sick.
I learned to cleanse my liver, kidneys and other organs. I've been feeling great for 2 years now. I am very grateful to Alex for passing on to me the ancient Chinese knowledge he received in the Shaolin Monastery. (Lina N.)



There are no words to express gratitude for the knowledge gained at the "ReBirth" center.
With the help of qigong, I cleansed my body of toxins, diseases and restored normal pressure. Also, having learned at this seminar the technique of diagnosing and healing, I began to help not only myself but also my loved ones. My first patient was my granddaughter, who lives in St. Petersburg.
After a telephone conversation with my daughter, I learned that my granddaughter was seriously ill. Immediately I began to apply the qigong technique - the therapy learned in qigong classes. The next day, the daughter, not understanding what had happened, reported the good news that her granddaughter was healthy. I am very happy that I can help people, because I have never didn't know energy could heal. (Nadia V.)



I am pleasantly surprised that all this energy technique works. Every morning I do smooth simple qigong exercises filling myself with life-giving energy, it all takes a few minutes and after that I feel great and enjoy life. These exercises saved me from unstable pressure that jumped up and down. Alex, thank you very much for the knowledge that helped me solve many health problems. ( Svetlana S. )



Due to scoliosis, I constantly had back pain and also pain in the neck. After the treatment sessions, my back straightened and the pain in the back and neck area disappeared.
In addition, my sexuality and potency has increased many times over. I am grateful to the "ReBirth" Center for the help rendered to me. (Vladimir D.)


Founder & CEO




For a long time I did not dare to undergo karmic cleansing and energy-information correction at Alex and Anna. I really wanted to, I knew that I needed it for many reasons, but somehow I did not dare. It didn't seem like the time had come yet. There was never any fear, on the contrary, there was great curiosity and a desire to learn new things about myself. I felt some kind of duality in myself at the animal level, which manifested itself very strangely at different times, it upset me.
Soon, I suddenly came to the realization of a certain moment, as if I was standing on the eve of something new in my life. I felt the need for complete cleansing and transformation.
I turned to Alex for help and he had several different sessions with me.
It was an indescribable, very unique experience for me. It is difficult to describe in a short letter what I felt, sensed and understood. But there is something I would like to share.
At my request, I was immediately cleared of the energy spirits, which had long attached itself to me, and most likely had a negative effect on my emotions and behavior. After that, I felt calm, balanced and internally satisfied. It was a very deep feeling.
Almost immediately, Anna and Alex began to remove numerous strings from me with different people, I had problems with almost all of them. I worked for forgiveness, with some of them several times. Depending on the situation, I saw and felt my reactions opposite in intensity. There were visions of people in different mental states. I was in deep meditation and fully conscious. My heart suffered and rejoiced, I sobbed and calmed down. Alex got into my trouble with people with whom relationships were completely forgotten. I felt like energy imprints, bad, dirty, came off me. Through tears came the realization of my mission at this moment in my life. I understood why I needed this cleansing so much. People who had died long ago came, and suddenly I realized that I needed to untie some very important knot with them, which I never remembered.
I cannot describe many of the details as they are too personal, but the result of this session was a vision of a bright golden Love descending on me, flowing into me and filling me completely. It was a wonderful sign for me!
Anna and Alex carried out an energy-information cleansing with me on many levels. Never before could I have imagined that a person, not knowing and not knowing, produces so much negative!
Anna and Alex cleansed me and all my incarnations on Earth. Through me, they cleansed my entire family from all kinds of curses, black energy, insults and other debris. I saw a long line of my ancestors standing in line for me to be cleared. I worked together with Alex, spoke words from which at some moments I saw myself in different guises, dirt flowed down from me, slipped down, like black oil, sometimes like mucus.
Alex and Anna removed my bindings to many unnecessary things and systems, thereby returning to me my own Divine energy, wasted consciously and unconsciously in this and other incarnations.
So many techniques Alex and Anna used while working with me that I was out of my body and saw myself nearby, fully observing the processes of purification. There were special words and affirmations, the power of which I felt like a magical field. With my voice, an unknown divine power poured into me, and I felt like a Goddess, capable of performing miracles. All this happened in a trance and in full consciousness. I did not feel my body - only a feeling of bliss and unwillingness to leave meditation. (In order to finally get out of this state, I had to ask Alex to touch my hands. Only in this way could I come to my senses, feeling my body again).
One of the most indescribable sensations happened during the reunion of the parts of my Soul, which dispersed in different incarnations due to my karmic experience. Alex and Anna worked with me in all my incarnations, his and my task was to collect parts of my Soul and connect it now and here. I saw how many rays in the form of streaming spheres rushed towards me, entered me and illuminated me with a violet flame. I felt complete and complete. It seemed to me that I knew God himself. It was a unique feeling of Grace...
A few weeks after these sessions, I walked around drunk with happiness and a state unknown to me that I had become different, pure and wonderful. Now, after some time has passed, I understand that I was pumped with fresh, high-quality energy, which gave me a new life charge. In this short time, I became physically healthier and morally different, however strange it may seem. I realized that a person is the most complex system, self-cognizing itself and the world. We did not begin in this life and do not end in it, we only live here and now. Thanks to Anna and Alex and their work, I understood all this. I felt and saw what a multidimensional being I am, and how important it is to periodically have such sessions. (Irina S.)

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